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Glucose Systems in the Body — Another Instance of Irreducible Complexity


Dr. Howard Glicksman, author of an extended series at Evolution News on “The Designed Body,” is interviewed on a classic episode of ID the Future by Ray Bohlin on glucose, glycogen, glucogon, insulin — all part of an extended multi-step series essential for life — an irreducibly complex series.

“If students only knew how life worked,” says Dr. Glicksman,” … they’d quickly come to realize that when it comes to figuring out where it all came from, common sense tells us it was intelligent design, and it’s the Darwinists who are suffering from an illusion.”

Darwin's God: Lawrence Krauss Says He is "Painfully Aware" of Yo...

Darwin's God: Lawrence Krauss Says He is "Painfully Aware" of Yo...: Today’s evolution sermon comes from Lawrence Krauss, Director of the Origins Project at the tax-payer funded Arizona State University. In ...

Darwin's God: Here’s What That New UCSF Paper Says in Plain Engl...

Darwin's God: Here’s What That New UCSF Paper Says in Plain Engl...: If you had a four-letter alphabet and all words were three letters, then how many words would there be? The answer is 4 times 4 times 4, or ...

If you had a four-letter alphabet and all words were three letters, then how many words would there be? The answer is 4 times 4 times 4, or 4-cubed, or 4^3, or 64. That’s how the DNA code works. Our DNA has four molecular “letters” and to create a protein the letters are taken three at a time in words called “codons.” Each codon specifies an amino acid and these 64 different codons are mapped to 20 different amino acids (and a “stop” signal). Since the 64 different codons far exceeds the 20 different amino acids and the stop signal, the code is degenerate. In other words, there are multiple codons that map the same amino acid (just as “absurd” and “ludicrous” have similar meanings).

Darwin's God: Here’s How Designs in Biology Are Being Used in Ad...

Darwin's God: Here’s How Designs in Biology Are Being Used in Ad...: This week’s 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society in San Diego featured symposiums on biomimetics where scie...

Darwin's God: This Evolutionist Just Dissented From Their Offici...

Darwin's God: This Evolutionist Just Dissented From Their Offici...: Massimo Pigliucci just said that Theodozius Dobzhansky’s famous statement (and paper title)—nothing makes sense in biology except in the li...

Evolution is a Natural Process Running Backward

see http://www.math.utep.edu/Faculty/sewell/AML_3497.pdf

Lecture by Stephen Meyer on 'Signature in the Cell'

Lecture by Stephen Meyer on 'Signature in the Cell'

The Centre for Intelligent Design (c4id) is pleased to release on YouTube the DVD of its Inaugural Lecture in London in November 2011. The lecture was delivered by Dr Stephen Meyer, Discovery Institute, Seattle and hosted by Lord McKay of Clashfern. The theme of the lecture is Dr Meyer's recent book, 'Signature in the Cell' (HarperOne, 2009). The lecture gives a clear exposition of the problem of the origin of life and how the existence of biological information provides compelling scientific evidence for intelligent design (ID). The content of the lecture also demonstrates, incidentally, that the dismissal of ID as religion is shallow and uninformed.