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Potentially brilliant idiots

I am so pissed right now. This is about religion, well maybe not religion. This is about evolution. I was watching the video below and got fed up.

Dont watch that garbage. They say a lot of things that a lot of people would buy into. I really have very low faith in humans at this point; Its so obvious and easy to see the problems in the things they say. I don't even know how to start on this

Evolution is essential to science - people pull this crap so often its not funny. They say if you don't buy into evolution, you are against science. GARBAGE. Evolution is barely science. The theory is "supported" by "evidence" that that really just says "things change". Natural selection - animals adapt to their environments therefore they came from a single celled organism millions of years ago? what? Logical? No.

In that video the big deal was about a school board trying to get teachers to not teach evolution as fact - which it isn't. Simply to state that there are gaps in the theory and that there is an alternative to the theory in the form of "Intelligent Design". I was saddened, even though I should have expected it, when the persons in that video talked about their opposition to that. You would think, in a country that prides itself on freedom of speech, you wouldn't have a situation where children are being indoctrinated. That is exactly what happens when you teach children that some moronic secular theory about origins is a fact. There are massive problems in the theory. MASSIVE.

That brings me to this point. Why are scientists so happy with it? This is where my "potentially brilliant idiots" comes from. I think they are thoroughly hopeless fools. None of them can adequately defend evolution against rigorous challenge yet they believe in it so adamantly and even become angry when someone believes otherwise. Any person with half a brain can recognise when something is designed but these guys have found themselves perfect deceptions. "God of the gaps" is a popular option. I always wonder at what point it stops being "God of the gaps". When you realize how impossible your alternative is yet still elect to omit the thought of something greater than man, it just shows me you are not worth your title of scientist. They are in no way unbiased. Greater scientists than any of these turds have graced our world and still held their belief in a well designed world. As a matter of fact, that belief is what drove them to try to understand the world.

This brings me to yet another point these guys made. That intelligent design would somehow preclude all scientific progress. I think they use this as some justification for fighting it so hard - "it would be the end of science". They forget that science is about understanding the world, not creating a make-believe story of its past. If all the effort that is put into evolution now is stopped and the assumption is there that it was all designed, would we not be able to move on? Would we not be able to move even further knowing that our world makes sense and there is more to be discovered? Intelligent design doesn't destroy the world so why would it destroy the will to understand it more? Does me knowing that someone made a car prevent me from learning how the car works?

The video mentions transitional fossils as evidence for evolution. A sensible person would see such a thing and think it was just another animal, complete and well made just like every other unique animal we have on this planet. Take a platypus for example. Imagine a platypi go extinct in our lifetime, then some idiot a thousand years later sees it and calls it a transitional fossil. IT WENT EXTINCT so how exactly could it be anything but a unique creature in its own right that didn't evolve into something? They don't see it as such though, these people find a single strange looking fossil and immediately construct yet another elaborate story on it from little to no information this theory is made.

I have noticed a new thing that seems to prevail amongst those who believe in evolution. The idea that we have no free will. I had seen a scientist mention it in the "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" video I posted a while ago. The guy said that with evolution there is no free will. we are slaves to our genes, our mind makes decisions before we do. This all seems a perfect setup for even worse genocides than we saw in the recent past. When humans are nothing but apes of little significance if they aren't amongst the superior ones, and who have no independent thought because there is no free will, we will see how truly wicked man can be.  Those who think atheism will lead to a utopia are naive of the nature of man. We aren't naturally good.

I really think its a beautifully contructed deception. The key to all of it is "After millions of years" a.k.a Time Did It™  . Once they say that they have no reason to explain in detail HOW it could have happened. They don't talk about the huge complexity involved, adding of new dna information etc. After millions of years, anything is possibly. Anyone not paying attention or with a disposition would buy it easily. There is also the hate for religion that makes it so much easier. The idea of a creator immediately results in the fear of God. Since God is a no-no (seemingly even amongst religious people) they basically have won.

On to religious individuals who believe in evolution. You are weak and clueless of it all. The desire to bend your beliefs to suit every single halfassed piece of "scientific" theory will result in atheism eventually. I don't care what religion you are, once they get you to start doubting the power of God they have a way in. First its "God used evolution" then "God created the first cell and evolution took over" then its "God wasn't even necessary" and ...checkmate.

My opinion is that evolution shouldn't be taught in schools to children, and I don't really care if religion/creationism is either. If they are going to teach evolution though, it should not be fact. As far as I am concerned, its someone's world-view, someone's opinion, someone's interpretation. It is not a fact but more of a naturalistic fairytale. At the very least be open about that. Tell the kids it is not a fact but someone's interpretation of facts and that it could be different. It's well known that many college students lose their faith once they learn about evolution. teaching it to kids just makes that goal much easier. I won't forget when I saw those videos of Richard Dawkins basically preaching evolution to children. This man did some simple experiment to show that something can happen in different degrees. He added chemicals together than boiled up from lesser intensity up to greater intensity then SOMEHOW expected that to be adequate explanation for how the bombardier beetle became the way it is. The huge details involved in what that creature can do are just washed away by Time Did It™ and some really basic "explanation". Below is a video about the beetle and after that is one supposedly explaining how the beetle "evolved" to be like that.

This following video shows just how dumb people get when it comes to evolution.

The following is a comment i had to make on that video. Tell me If I am wrong.

This video is so stupid. The frequent use of the word evolve to explain this is a perfect example of how much this theory fails. You aren't talking about how at all, you are just telling us what the beetle has and then telling us the parts came gradually; not HOW the mutations that would result in this beetle happened from whatever its ancestor was. All you are saying is that it happened. i could describe the evolution of a car for your exactly like this. Its so sad how many people buy this garbage
below is the foolishness Dawkins thought explained the beetle

I don't think I have covered everything I wanted to and I didn't intend to explain exactly why evolution is garbage.
Just letting it out.



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